القائمة الرئيسية


 Phrasal verbs with "Get"

كما تعرفنا سابقا عندما يأتي الفعل مع إضافات أخرى ومن ثم يكوَن عبارة فيصبح لها getمعنى مختلف واليوم سنتعرف على عبارات مع فعل

phrasal verbs with check يمكنك الاطلاع على

Get in

بمعنى يدخل
She got in very late last night.

Get rid of

بمعنى يتخلص من أو يرمي
We need to get rid of the old oven.

Get on

بمعنى يتقدم أو يمتلك علاقة جيدة
She and my friend have never really got on.
If he tries to get on, he tries to be successful in his career.

Get over

بمعنى يتعافى أو يتخطى
Lama is just getting over the flu.
Hassan never got over the death of his daughter.

Get across

بمعنى يفهم أو يوصل معلومة
This is the lesson that I want to get across to the students.

Get by

بمعنى يقدر على العيش أو التعامل في ظل ظروف صعبة
How does he get by on such a small salary?

Get off

بمعنى يغادر العمل أو يغادر مكان غالبا لبداية رحلة
We got off early on Saturdays.
Do you get much time off on vacation?

Get through

بمعنى ينتهي من شيء ما
I have got a lot to get through today.

Get at

بمعنى ينتقد شخصا ما بشكل متكرر
Nada always getting at her sister even when she is done nothing wrong.

I hope you learned the lesson🌹

Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
