القائمة الرئيسية


What's the difference between There is & There are?

 What's the difference between There is & There are? 

There is & there are متى نستخدم 

كلاهما بمعنى يوجد ولكن 
*There is تأتي مع الاسم المفرد (singular noun) 
Ex: There is a swimming pool at the hotel.
There is a phone in my bag.

*There are تأتي مع الاسم الجمع (plural noun) 
Ex: There are books on the table.
There are children in the park.

 في حالة أردنا السؤال بهم سنقوم بعكس (there محل Be verb)  
Ex: Is there a swimming pool at the hotel?
Are there books on the table?

في حالة النفي نقوم بوضع (not بعد Be verb)
ونستطيع أن نكتبها بصيغة مختصرة (contraction)
Ex: Is there a TV in my room?
1- No, there is not
2- No, there's not
3- No, there isn't

في حالة الاثبات لا نستطيع أن نقوم بالاختصار يجب أن تكون بصيغة كاملة 
Ex: Are there any libraries?
Yes, they are

I hope you learned the lesson💙

Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
