القائمة الرئيسية


 Relative pronouns(6). ضمائر الوصل

تكملة لدرس الضمائر سنتعرف اليوم على ضمائر الوصل في اللغة الإنجليزية وتعرف ب
Relative pronounsال

أولا سميت بضمائر الوصل لأنها تصل بين جملتين أو أكثر اختصارا لعدد الجمل وتظهر مدى معرفتك باللغة ومعناها مثل اللغة العربية كالذي والتي وهكذا فلدينا العديد من ضمائر الوصل ألا وهي
Who, whom, which, that, whose, where, when


هو ضمير يعبر عن إنسان في حالة الفاعل بمعنى هو من قام بالفعل
The lady who lives next door is beautiful.
I saw the man who stole me last week.
My sister thanked the boy who helped her yesterday.
My father took to the boy who hit you.
Spend with people who make you happy.


هو ضمير يعبر أيضا عن إنسان ولكن في حالة المفعول
The man whom they found was sent to prison.
The patient whom we visited has died.
The man whom I met at the airport was a teacher.
The girl whom you met last month travelled from here.

 في كلتا الحالتين who نستطيع في محادثاتنا الغير رسمية استخدام
لكن عند المحادثات الرسمية والعمل والمدرسة يجب التفريق بينها جيدا
يأتي بعدها فعل whoنلاحظ أيضا عند استخدامنا ل
تأتي بعدها فاعل whom أما


هو ضمير يعبر عن الأشياء والحيوانات
This is the dog which bit me yesterday.
I would like to take you a cafe which serves excellent coffee.
I found the key which was lost yesterday.
My new bag which I bought last year ruptured.


فقط who, which تعبر عن الأشخاص و الأشياء فيمكن أن تحل محل
My friend bought a dress that was blue.
The man that won the lottery is outside.
This is the magazine that I read.
The man that works with me is very handsome.


 هو ضمير للتعبير عن الملكية للعاقل وغير العاقل
He apologized to the boy whose glasses got broken.
The house whose owner is on vacation has an unsightly pool.
The cat whose severed tail died.
They are the people whose house was damaged.


 ضمير يعبر عن مكان ومعناه المكان الذي
The company where he worked was not successful.
The hotel where we stayed was very noisy.
This school is where I studied 3 years ago.
I am going to visit Saudi Arabia where my friend lives.


ضمير يعبر عن الزمان ومعناه الوقت الذي
The winner when known will receive money.
11:00 pm when she goes to sleep.
There was world war II the year when he was born.
Before sleeping is when memories start hitting me.

وهكذا أتممنا أكثر الضمائر استخداما في اللغة الإنجليزية
I hope you enjoyed the lesson💙 
Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
