القائمة الرئيسية


 What is the difference between since & for? ما الفرق بينهم

يتم استخدامهم في العديد من الأزمنة وخاصة الأزمنة التامة فمن الممكن مراجعة شرح زمن المضارع التام بسهولة من هنا

Since منذ

تعبرعن بداية الفترة الزمنية لأي حدث
We have lived in Egypt since 2019.
He has worked as a doctor since 2001.
My sister has been married since 2021.
I have never read a book since January.
They have gone here since last year.

For لمدة

تعبر عن المدة الزمنية نفسها لحدوث فعل شيء ما
She has studied hard for 7 hours.
We have not met for 3 years.
You have finished your homework for 2 days.
I have waited for you for 30 minutes.
He has played this game for 5 months.

More examples

For 5 minutes
For 3 hours
For 2 weeks
For 9 years
For 1 century
For 7 months
For 6 days

Since 9 pm
Since yesterday
Since 1997
Since Friday
Since November
Since the end of the last year

وهكذا قمنا بشرح الاختلاف بينهم ببساطة تابعونا في دروس قادما

I hope you learned the lesson💙
Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
