القائمة الرئيسية


How to ask for clarification and repetition?

 How to ask for clarification and repetition. كيفية السؤال عن توضيح أو تكرار شيء ما

عندما لم نفهم شيء ما ونريد أن نسأل عن توضيح أو تفسير ذلك أو عندما لم نسمع كلام معين ونريد أن نسأل عن تكراره بطريقة لبقة ومهذبة اليوم سنتعرف على ذلك

thank you and you are welcome يمكنك أيضا الاطلاع على تعبيرات أخرى لقول

How to ask for clarification?

What do you mean by that?
Could you elaborate on that?
Do you mean ___?
Could say it in another way?
Can you clarify that for me?
Can you give me an example?
Could you explain what you mean by that?
Could you put it differently, please?
Could you be more specific, please?
I don't quite follow
I am a little lost
I didn't catch your words
I didn't get it
I am not sure I fully understand
I don't understand
I am a little confused
You mean___?
Could you break that down for me?
I am not sure I follow

How to ask for repetition?

Excuse me!
I beg your pardon
Can you repeat, please?
Sorry, I didn't hear that
I didn't catch that
Do you mind repeating that?
Come again (informal way)
What did you say? (informal way)
Could you say it again?
Could you speak up, please? 
What was that?
I am not following what you are saying?
Could you speak a little louder, please?
Speak louder, please? (informal way)
Raise your voice, please? (informal way)

Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
