القائمة الرئيسية


 شرح زمن الماضي المستمر

سنتعرف في هذا الدرس على تكوين الماضي المستمر واستخداماته وكيفية السؤال والنفي وبعض الامثلة عليه

✭ Formation/تكوينه

S + was/were + V(ing)
was→ I, she, he, it
Were→ you, we, they


  عند الإشارة إلى حدث استمر في الماضي في وقت محدد●

Sally was studying hard at 10 a.m yesterday.
At 6 p.m last Friday we were going to the mall.

عند الإشارة إلى حدثين استمرا في نفس الوقت في الماضي●

ودائما تأتي بعدها ماضي مستمر while وغالبا نستخدم هنا

While I was eating dinner, my sister was recording a video.
My family were watching TV while I was cleaning my room.

في وسط الجملة نضع فاصلة أما اذا كانت في while نقطة مهمة سنلاحظ هنا عند وضع
 في البداية فلا نضعها

 عند الإشارة إلى حدثين حدث قصير قطع الحديث الطويل المستمر●

الحدث القصير دائما ماضي بسيط والطويل ماضي مستمر

عليك الاطلاع إلى الماضي البسيط من هنا
When her alarm rang, I was sleeping.
My brother was playing a video game when my mother called him.

يأتي بعدها دائما ماضي بسيط when نقطة مهمة سنلاحظ

عند الإشارة إلى أحداث الخلفية للقصة●

My sister was talking on the phone as usual and my father was watching TV. My mother was cooking and my brother was playing football.


عند السؤال نبدل الفعل المساعد مكان الفاعل

من هنا to Be يمكنك الاطلاع أيضا على شرح الفعل المساعد
Were you eating pizza at 4 p.m yesterday?
Yes, I was
No, I was not
Was he travelling at 12 a.m last monday?
Yes, he was
No. he was not

1. I was watching a movie when kareem..........the window.
(was breaking, broke, break)
2. Jana........ to school yeasterday.
(went, go, was going)
3. While Sama was reading a book, her mom.......... a cake.
(made, was making, make)

1. broke
2. went
3. was making

Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
