القائمة الرئيسية


(past perfect) شرح زمن الماضي التام

سنتعرف اليوم على زمن جديد بسيط جدا وسيساعدنا على التحدث والكتابة بشكل أفضل


S + had + V(p.p) الفعل في التصريف الثالث


له استخدام واحد فقط وهو عند حدوث حدثين واحد تلو الآخر في الماضي بمعنى عند اتمام حدث سيحدث الثاني بعده والحدث الذي تم الأول سيكون ماضي تام والاخر بسيط بمعنى آخر أن الحدث الثاني لن يحدث إلا بحدوث الأول
After I had eaten, I drank a cup of tea.
She played a game after she had washed the dishes.
Before he went home, he had finished his work.
Suzan had brushed her teeth before she went to bed.
When I arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.

✦Key words

After, before, as, when, as soon as, because
نقطة مهمة
ماضي تام after/because يأتي بعد
ماضي بسيط before/when/as يأتي بعد


في البداية ثم الفاعل had مثله كمثل الأفعال المساعدة سنضع

Had you finished your homework before you watched a movie?
Had she taken a shower before she went?

من هنا بكل بساطة have يجب عليك الاطلاع على الفعل المساعد

had بعد الفعل not عند النفي نضع فقط
I had not finished my homework.
She had not taken a shower.

من هنا v (to be) عليك الاطلاع على شرح الفعل المساعد

1. I ...........(go) before I met him.
(went, had gone, had went)
2. Yossef ....... (sleep) after he had eaten.
(sleep, had slept, slept)
3. When Toleen ....... (arrive) at the restaurant, the restaurant had closed.
(arrived, had arrived, arrive)

1. had gone
2. slept
3. arrived

I hope you learned the lesson

Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
