القائمة الرئيسية


 Other expressions to say Hello & Goodbye

يوجد في اللغة الإنجليزية طرق أخرى لقول أهلا وإلى اللقاء سوف نتعرف عليها اليوم حتى لا تصبح طريقتنا مملة في المحادثات

Other expressions to say "Hello"

➤ Hi there
➤ Greetings
➤ Hey, what's up
➤ How are things
➤ What's going on
➤ What's new
➤ How's everything
➤ Howdy
➤ Good to see you
➤ Nice to meet you
➤ Good morning/afternoon/evening...
➤ How are you
➤ How have you been
➤ What's happening
➤ Long time, no see
➤ How are you doing today
➤ How are you feeling today
➤ Pleasure to meet you
➤ Good day to you
➤ How's your life
➤ How it's going
➤ Look who it is

thank you & you're welcome يمكنك الاطلاع على عبارات أخرى لقول

Other expressions to say "Goodbye"

➤ Bye bye
➤ See you later
➤ Have a nice day
➤ see you soon
➤ Talk to you later
➤ Take care
➤ Good night
➤ I am out of here
➤ I am off
➤ Peace
➤ Catch you later
➤ I'll see you then
➤ See you around
➤ Good seeing you
➤ So long
➤ Laters
➤ Take it easy
➤ I'll call you later
➤ Nice to chatting you
➤ Speak to you then
➤ Cheerio
➤ Keep in touch
➤ Bye for now
➤ Gotta go
➤ I look forward to our next meeting
➤ See you next time

repetition & clarification قد يهمك عبارات لتوضيح عن شيء ما أو للتكرار

I hope you learned the lesson
Owner "Take It Easy" blog. Content creator for everything related to the English language.
